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Monday 23 January 2012

Blog 56: Versions of the Truth (Version 04)

There are plenty of conspiracy theories about. Ideas about how power really works and who holds it behind the curtains. They don’t know so they have to guess. They get so close sometimes and at others they are hilariously wrong. They don’t have the perspective to see the world as it is. They are ants trying to appreciate the world as an eagle above might see it. There too many obstructions, too much just out of sight. They could never appreciate the scale of the truth. I find it hard to fathom myself, and its my job to keep track of this stuff. It is my job to keep humanity in check.
The year is 1120 and it seems that many of the ideas we have taken for granted are finally spreading across the borders. The publication of Liber Abaci by Leonardo Pisa has certainly had an effect on the mathematical theory at large. Shame, exclusive knowledge of such kept us ahead of the curve. As important as what we know are the things that no one else does. With each secret there is a power for the bearer. We hold many secrets and much power. It must not be known, nor can we be known for anonymity is our greatest strength.
In these times a magician can be made by his mechanics. The consequences of an idea beyond general comprehension is deemed magic by the masses. They fear and fixate over the power wielded by our servants. We create their celebrity and in return they reinforce our grip upon the reigns of power. We give them creations of guile beyond their understanding to make them gods before their followers at the price of their contribution to individual freedom. We chose who lives and who dies. This applies equally to followers who must know their place in the scheme of the world. There are plans for humanity, our followers know this. Their followers do not.
I have a power over the followers which I find glorious. I love to taunt the feeble minded posers who take the credit for my work. They are the product of my designs. They are the public face of my work. I must be a shadow: observant and anonymous. I must be humble in my work for pride is loud and draws attention. Power is subtle and must be wielded with caution and care. I have my masters and must mould my work to their needs. The agenda of the collective must be furthered foremost and then individual gain can be considered.
The movement I am a member of is organised and lead by rank. My rank at present is mediocre, I inherited my fathers position of handler as he was promoted to do work he was forbidden to talk about.
I hate what we’ve done to the followers; I enjoy the control but the followers are pitiful. Too weak and frightened for me to take any joy from taunting them. They’re not all bad, I talk to one called Michael. He’s smarter than most of them. He’s begun to fathom his tools of deception. I still enjoy taunting the other followers but he is making me question my conceptions of them. I look now for signs of potential, which I rarely see. There are moments of flair though, times when they pull off a trick I’ve never seen before. I’ve seen Michael weave birds of fire from the flamethrower. Maybe he could teach the others to take the initiative. Then I might respect them enough not to want to kill them when they break their instruments of deceit. Too often my work goes to waste because some dolt has forgotten to release gas under pressure or leaving their propellants on for too long before ignition.
My latest illusion simulates flight. Using various thin wire cables obscured visually by shadow the follower is raised above the public masses to speak from the rafters. So far the fatality rate is fifty percent, shame. The two deaths were not my fault, not entirely my fault. Being so thin the wires cut through flesh like a hot knife through butter. Lowering must be done slowly, I told them that. I’m pretty sure I told them that.
This new project has been attracting a lot of attention from higher up in the organisation. Mostly negative, I’ve been told my mortality rates are risking the secrecy of our work. Screw them, if I can train up Michael and a few more followers to use versions of the instruments meant as weapons I could take over the organisation. My innovations by far exceed the efforts of my contemporaries, I could overthrow the order and become an Emperor. My empire would span nations, behind the veil of deception. Unknown and all knowing.
That’s presuming the followers didn’t screw me over and take the world for their own. They could publicise the mechanisms blueprints for profit. The world would change overnight. Beliefs would be questioned and discarded and innovation would be open to all without exception. I can’t imagine the technology moving as quickly without the likes of myself behind it. The organisation has been focused on the innovation of deception for more than a century as far as I’m aware. It has nurtures minds like mine and passed on the knowledge its suppresses in the masses. The intellectuals are strange creatures, eager but restricted with their revelation of knowledge. I often bent their ears to learn things I shouldn’t ‘till later. I advanced more rapidly by breaking into the libraries and scrolling through endless blueprints by candlelight.
In general all I learnt was how much more efficient modern designs were compared to those in the past. There were times though that I saw designs written off as impossible decades before, forgotten avenues of thought that I could further with my knowledge of more recent innovations in other areas. I resurrected many of those ideas, such as the flight suit, previously supported by chains.
The mechanisms of my creation are highly suited to a role in weaponry. Perhaps it is time to introduce a new facet to the faith, to punish the disbelievers, the faithless. Faith would rise as all saw the wrath of the puppets. I think we should educate them more, the expansion of the organisation moves too slowly. Educating the puppets would increase our numbers twofold and equally our capacity to shape the world. Maybe then I could respect the flies who for now fail to appreciate the majesty of thought behind their mechanisms. We would be partners in the faith, they would be our fellows in this conspiracy. The leadership are failing to make the most our position. They are too dedicated to the status quo while the system works there is always room for improvement.
I will implement change when my chance arrives. I will change the course of the world.

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